Equine Physiotherapy

Equine Physiotherapy Treatment

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation For Your Horse 

Based in Harrogate, horse physiotherapy treatments are carried out throughout Yorkshire.

I often get clients come to me when their horses have started to show the behavioural changes (listed below). I am a strong believer in being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to treating animals. I believe that you should have regular horse physio appointments as a routine task, just as you get the farrier or dentist. Horses are flight animals and as such have evolved to not show pain/discomfort to avoid getting eaten!

I also think it's extremely useful to educate owners on how they can help their horses, whether it's changing from a haynet to a haybar or just doing a few simple exercises daily to keep your horse supple. I find when an owner works with me, we get the best results.

An initial appointment will usually take 1 hour 30 minutes and I will always follow up in 7 to 10 days with a second appointment which takes 45 minutes to an hour. I find it extremely beneficial to me, the horse and the owner when coming back after a week as it enables me to see where we stand and then build an accurate treatment/maintenance plan going forwards.

A horse physiotherapy consultation comprises of the following.......


  1. Detailed discussion of patient history.
  2. General health check & conformational analysis.
  3. Gait analysis & lameness assessment.
  4. Patient assessment summary.
  5. Palpation of all muscles to identify muscle asymmetry, tone, lesions.
  6. Joint range of motion assessment.


  • Massage & soft tissue techniques.
  • Electrotherapies, where applicable.
  • Joint mobilisations/stretches.


  1. General verbal aftercare regime - given on the day.
  2. Detailed written aftercare regime - sent via email up to a week post consultation.

Signs Your Horse May Require A Physiotherapy Treatment

  • Behavioural Issues - rearing/bucking/napping.
  • "Cold-backed".
  • Loss of performance.
  • Disunited in canter/difficulty gaining correct lead/lack of power.
  • Tripping/stumbling.
  • General stiffness.
  • Poor/weak top-line.
  • Muscle atrophy (loss/wastage).
  • Saddle issues - slipping/poor-fit.
  • Specific conditions e.g. sacro-illiac disease, tendon/ligament injuries, kissing spines, arthritis etc.
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